Friday 19 July 2013

New Godzilla 2013 Comic-Con Poster Impresses

This is more like it! If you're going to release a series of teasing posters and/or cryptic images to whet the appetites of fans worldwide, make sure they have a certain presence about them. That is exactly what people have been treated to recently in San Diego at Comic-Con, with the much-anticipated reboot of the Godzilla franchise, due to release sometime in 2014, revealing a monstrous poster for the world to see.
The above spread has certainly made the 10-year old inside me giddy with excitement for Gareth Edwards' monster-mash return. I suppose it's the sheer scale of the image (those choppers next to THAT TAIL!!! JUST IT'S TAIL!!!) that immediately defines what a Godzilla movie should be about. Yes we all enjoy a good, deep, and emotional drama, but if the terrific Pacific Rim made me realise anything a few days ago, it's that we really do need to occasionally throw our sensible film-critic hat to the ground, pop on our childhood nostalgia cap, and enjoy a bloody great action film. Which is exactly what Pacific Rim is, but more on that in my next blog, which will be my verdict on Guillermo Del Toro's latest.

This is a superb example of what a teaser poster should be about, showing a bit of the movie's main focus, but not too much as to spoil the surprise, and being able to inform the viewer exactly what to expect from it come the release date. Roll on 2014. I can almost hear that ever-so-iconic Godzilla scream echoing the halls of Comic-Con as I type this. Wish I was there!

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